Well you got it! The hardest part of thing 8 was adding the blogroll to my blog. Thanks to Linda for her guidance. About RSS, what a great way to utilize time more efficiently. My thoughts on RSS are similar to those on placing holds on materials at the library. It has loads of benefits, but you loose something. By not browsing the shelf, you loose the opportunity to see all the other books on the shelf. With feeds, by not browsing the rest of the site, you loose the opportunity to see all the other news, pictures, etc. And you don't even know you are missing out.
That said, I do like the feeds. I would love the library to use them for passport updates instead of sending emails. Also, patrons could suscribe to feeds for upcoming events/programs.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
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1 comment:
Excellent blog! You are really "getting it" and I appreciate the time and energy you are putting into your 23 Things. Thanks. You will obviously be a great resource for others when you finish!
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